Artistic Projects: Animation
Project Idea: Animation is a very long process, but it is usually worth it in the end. Anyways, I envisioned bits of animations that I could work on to gain skill and experiences that could help me for my own hobbies. I don't necessarily have a career minded towards animation, but I think that it would be a good skill to have in general.
Creation: The animations were made using ibis paint, which is where I usually draw my art. In these animations, I was able to make a few animations that can be seen in the youtube page, where I post all my animations that I've made over the past few months of creation. Animation usually consists of drawing an item frame by frame, which is put together by ibis itself. Despite the limitations of ibis having a minimum aspect ratio, I was able to make it work, and I was able to make small project animations such as cero or boom. A link to my youtube page can be found here.
Technology Projects: This website
Project Idea: this project was inspired by Persona 5. Within the site, I envision what the necessary things of a website would be, which was both front end and back end. Now, the front end was my favorite part, as I could customize the site to my liking, and make it look like a game, hence the models and the animations. The back end was a bit more different, as I had to learn how to use Node.js, and how to use it to make a server. This was a bit more difficult, but I managed to get it working. Similarly, I also worked on getting the site to be responsive, which wasn't much of an issue but I thought of it to be a little tedious and challenging.
Creation: The site utilized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front end, and Node.js for the back end. The models were found in SketchFab, (borrowed of course) and the animations were entirely made by me using three.js. Additionally, the music was taken from the game, Persona 5, and the image of the Bar's background, the bottom-right music button, and the loading loading-screen model for the home page was taken from the game as well. Additionally, the vinyl record was taken from pinterest, however, I managed to make it so that whenever I clicked on the vinyl, it would stop, but when I click again, it would continue. Just like the original vinyl record. The button on the bottom right changes the music, and makes it so that whenever the music is changed, the vinyl moves out of frame, imitating the changing the vinyl record like in real life. Out of all the pages I made, the bar was the best thing so far.
Welcome to the bar!
This page is dedicated to new projects that are constantly updated. Logs will contain old projects, and posts will contain updates on the projects. These new projects are seperated into two "pages". The blue pages as seen are projects that are mainly based on technology or programming stuff, while the red is for everything art. Over all, this is to showcase some of the current things I am working on, for myself and for the future. Enjoy your stay!